Legal information



"Plaisir Palace" is a registered trademark (INPI 4626362) and a commerce website "" belonging to SAS PLAISIR PALACE whose head office is located at 3, rue Paul Dubois - 75003 Paris - France.
SAS PLAISIR PALACE, with a capital of 5000 euros, is registered on 21/02/2020 with the Paris RCS under the
No. 881 817 738.
SIRET number: 881 817 738 00019
Intra-community VAT number: FR44 88181773
The director of the publication is Mr Didier Barroso who can be contacted by phone at (+33) 9 84 22 82 89 or by email
The site is hosted by Shopify Inc whose head office is located at 151 O'Connor Street - Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2L8 - Canada
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